
Shot Put is a field events in athletics. Shot Put involving “putting” a heavy spherical ball (the shot) as far as possible. This event can be held indoor and outdoor. Today, I will share about basic inspection routine for Shot Put.

⭕Check the surface of the ring for any protrusion or indentation. These can cause the athlete to lose his or her balance and potentially fall that can causing injury.

⭕ Make sure that the ring is swept away and free of any grass, dirt or other substance that can affect the traction of the shoes of the competitors. 

⭕ Ensure that the yellow area is flagged off or otherwise partitioned so that non-competitors are not able to walk in.

⭕ Make sure that the landing area does not produce or create unusual bounces or ricochets.

·         See the note on divots below.

·         Don't allow anything foreign in the sector that may cause a bounce (i.e. markers).

·         Large stones can be a problem as well, especially with the smaller shots (4K and under).

 ⭕ Divots should be filled in so that officials or workers will not twist an ankle, or trip and fall.

Source: National Throw Coaches Association (2018)