All sport events have their own equipment and facilities.
For example, sprints events must have starting blocks, relay events must have
baton and more. For today, I will share about Pole Vault equipment.
1. Poles
π· 3.05m - 5.30m
π· Flexible fiberglass pole
2. Crossbar
π· Length 4.50m
π· Weight 2.25kg
3.Pole vault standards and base pad
4. Pole vault pit (landing area)
π· Not smaller 6m long X
6m wide X 0.8m high
π· Front pieces must be 2m long
5. Pole vault boxes and collars
π· Constructed with suitable material
π· Rounded or soft upper edges
π· Sunk level with runway
π· Base box shall be sloped from runway level at the front end
to vertical distance below ground level.
All of this are the equipment for pole vault. I hope this will add on your informationa nd knowledge about pole vault. Thank you!
Source: Kesatuan Olahraga Malaysia, (Competition Rules 18-19)